英文契約書、法律、定款、約款の翻訳 なら







主 任 翻 訳 者

翻 訳 料 金






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目 次

























1. 元本金額:金___________円

2. 貸付日:200719日(ただし、本件貸付の実行は、第3条第2項の遵守を停止条件とする)

3. 貸付期間:200719日から201058日まで

4. 返済期限:201058日(以下、「元本最終返済日」という。)

5. 利息金額・利息の支払い方法:年3.25%(但し、1年を360日、1ヶ月を30日として計算する)とし、添付別紙1(7)記載のとおり後払いで支払う。

6. 元本の返済方法:添付別紙1(6)に規定する超過元本返済部分を9回に分割して支払いかつ元本最終返済日に金_________円を支払う。

7. 遅延損害金:借主が、その責めに帰すべき事由により当該債務の弁済を当該弁済期日までに行わない場合、借主は当該債務の金額に対し、年12%(1年365年とする日割計算)の割合の遅延損害金を支払うものとする。






1. 借主は、貸付のために本件貸付にかかる元本の返済、利息の支払、その他本契約に基づく債務の履行を担保するため、本契約により下記の債券及びこれに関連するその他の権利(以下、これらを総称して「本件担保物件」という。)につき担保権を設定する。

(1) 本件債券

(2) 借主が本件債券に関して取引口座を設定した__________証券会社(以下、「▲▲▲証券」という。)に対する外国証券取引口座設定約諾書(以下、「本件証券口座設定約諾書」という。)に基づく一切の権利(本件債券についての権利及び本件証券口座設定約諾書に基づくその他の金銭債権を含むがこれに限らない)。


2. 借主は、貸付日までに、上記担保権を設定するのに必要な担保権設定契約書(但し、その内容・様式については貸主が合理的に定めるものとする。)及び下記に定める書類をすべて貸主に対して交付することにより本件債券の占有その他の権利を移転し、前項に定める担保権の設定を完了させるために必要な一切の行為を、貸主の請求に従い借主の費用で行うものとする。

(1) 本件証券口座設定約諾書。

(2) 本件債券に関して▲▲▲証券が発行した預り証、その他本件債券に関して▲▲▲証券より借主に交付された一切の書類(本件証券口座設定約諾書に基づきまたはこれに関連するものも含むがこれに限らない)。

(3) 本件担保物件について上記条項に規定する担保権を設定した胸の借主の▲▲▲証券に対する通知書及び▲▲▲証券がかかる担保の設定を承諾する胸の借主及び貸主宛の承諾書(いずれの書面も確定日付を得たものに限る。)。

3. 両当事者は、第4条、第5条または第105(i)のいずれかに定めるところに従い本契約に基づく借主の債務について期限の利益が喪失され、または借主に繰上返済の義務が生じた場合には、貸主において、借主に事前に通知することなく、本件担保物件を一般に適当と認められる方法、時期、価格等によって処分の上、その取得金から諸費用を差し引いた残額を法定の順序にかかわらず本契約条の債務の弁済に充当することができることを、合意・確認する。



1. 借主に以下に定める事由のいずれかが発生した場合には、貸主からの通知催告等がなくとも、借主は本契約に基づく借主の貸主に対する一切の債務について期限の利益を喪失し、直ちに第6条の規定に従って一切の債務を支払うものとする。

(1) 支払いを停止したとき、または破産、和議申請、会社更正手続開始、会社整理開始もしくは特別清算開始の申立てがあったとき、または清算手続に入ったとき。

(2) 手形交換所の取引停止処分を受け、またはその勧告があったとき。

(3) その重要な資産について競売の申立てがなされ、または仮差押、保全差押または差押の命令、通知が発送されたとき、または租税公課を滞納して保全差押の通知を受けたとき。


2. 借主に以下に定める事由のいずれかが発生した場合において、貸主はその選択により、本契約に基づく借主の一切の債務について、借主に対して通知することによりその期限の利益の喪失を宣言することができ、この場合借主は貸主に対して直ちに第6条の規定に従って一切の債務を支払うものとする。


(1) 本契約の約定に従った支払をしなかったとき、または本契約における他の条項を履行または遵守しないとき。

(2) 本契約において規定された表明・保証が重要な点において不正確であるとき、またはいかなる時点においても、本契約上借主によりなされた表明・保証または記述が、重要な点において不正確なとき。

(3) 借主の事業の全部または重要な一部が停止しまたは停止するおそれのある場合、または(通常の取引の場合を除き)その資産の全部または重要な一部を移転または処分したとき(但し、借主が合併する場合でありかつ合併後存続する場合には、本第42(3)項の規定は適用されない。)。

(4) 借主が商法484条による閉鎖命令を受けたとき。

(5) 借主が(i)日本における事業の全部または重要な一部を止めたときまたは(ii)日本国内での営業の免許を取り消され、または違法行為の結果銀行法第10条第1項に掲げる業務の重要な一部もしくは全部を停止すべき旨の関連官庁の命令を受けたとき。

(6) 第3条に基づいて取得した担保権の順位が一番でなくなったとき、または無効もしくは取消しになったとき。

(7) 借主が本件担保物件を他に譲渡し、担保権を設定しまたはその他の処分をしたときまたは借主が本件担保物件の価値を減少する行為を行ったとき。

(8) 貸主を害する行為その他著しい背信行為をしたときもしくは借主について著しい信用の悪化が認められると貸主が合理的に判断したとき。







This LOAN AGREEMENT is made as of January 9, 2007, by and between ■■■ as lender (hereafter referred to as the "Lender") and ●●● as borrower (hereafter referred to as the "Borrower") as follows:


Article 1. (Terms and Conditions)


The Lender hereby agrees to make a loan to the Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth below (hereafter referred to as the "Loan").


1.   Principal Amount: _______Yen


2.   Drawdown Date: January 9, 2007 (provided, however, that the obligations of the Lender to make the Loan are subject to a condition precedent that the Borrower shall comply with Article 3.2 hereof.)


3.   Loan Period: From January 9, 2007 to May 8, 2010


4.   Maturity Date: May 9, 2010 (hereafter referred to as the "Maturity Date for repayment of the principal amount")


5.   Interest Rate and Method of Interest Payment: 3.25% per annum (calculated on the basis of a year of 360 days and a month of 30 days).  The Borrower shall pay interest on the Loan in arrear as set out in the attached Schedule 1(7).


6.   Method of Repayment of Principal Amount: The Borrower shall pay the excess part of the repayment of the principal amount in 9 installments as set forth in the attached Schedule 1(6), and _______ Yen on the Maturity Date for repayment of the principal amount.


7.   Default Interest: In the event the Borrower fails to make repayment of its obligations on the due date for any reason attributable to it, the Borrower shall pay to the Lender default interest on the overdue amount, at the rate of 12% per annum (calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed and a year of 365 days).


Article 2. (Purpose)


The Borrower hereby represents and warrants that the proceeds of the Loan shall be applied only to the purchase funds of the bond issued by _______ (hereafter referred to as the "Issuer") and the details of which are set out in the attached Schedule 2 (hereafter referred to as the "Bond").


Article 3. (Security)


1.   In order to secure the repayment of the principal amount, payment of interests and other obligations under this Agreement, the Borrower hereby grants to the Lender a security interest on the following bond and any other rights in relation to such bond (hereafter collectively referred to as the "Security").


(1)   the Bond; and


(2)   all rights under the agreement on setting up account for foreign securities transactions (hereafter referred to as the "Agreement on setting up account for the Bond") to _____ Securities, Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the "▲▲▲ Securities") at which the Borrower has set up the account for the transactions in relation to the Bond (including, but not limited to the rights over the Bond and any other money claims under the Agreement on setting up account for the Bond).


2.   The Borrower shall transfer possession of the Bond and any other rights on the Bond by delivery to the Lender of all necessary documents, i.e., the security agreement (provided, that the substance and form of such agreement shall be reasonably decided by the Lender) and the documents set forth below to grant the security interest, and take all necessary action, at the Borrower's expenses, to complete of the grant of the security interest upon demand by the Lender, until the Drawdown Date.


(1)   the Agreement on setting up account for the Bond;


(2)   the depositary receipt issued by ▲▲▲ Securities and all other documents delivered to the Borrower by ▲▲▲ Securities (including, but not limited to the documents delivered under and in relation to the Agreement on setting up account for the Bond), in connection with the Bond; and


(3)   the notice by the Borrower to ▲▲▲ Securities with respect to the grant of the security interest on the Security set forth in the preceding provision and the acceptance letter addressed to the Borrower and the Lender that ▲▲▲ Securities accepts the grant of such security interest (either notice shall have a fixed date).


3.   The parties agree and confirm that in the event that all obligations of the Borrower hereunder shall immediately become due and payable pursuant to either provision of Article 4, Article5 or Article 10.5(i) or the Borrower is required to make an accelerated repayment, the Lender may, without prior notice to the Borrower, dispose the Security in such manner, at such time and for such price as may be generally considered appropriate, and apply the balance after deduction of costs and expenses from the acquisition amount, to repayment of the obligations under this Agreement whether in order by law or otherwise.


Article 4. (Event of Default)


1.   In case any of the following events with respect to the Borrower shall have occurred, all obligations of the Borrower to the Lender hereunder shall immediately become due and payable without any notice or demand from the Lender and the Borrower shall pay such obligations forthwith subject to the provision of Article 6:


(1)   the Borrower becomes unable to pay its debt generally, or an application or petition is filed for bankruptcy, commencement for composition, reorganization, restructuring or special dissolution, or a proceeding is commenced for liquidation;


(2)   a clearing house imposes suspension of a transaction, or the Borrower has any such recommendation; or


(3)   an application or petition is filed for public auction with respect to the material part of the assets of the Borrower, any order or notice of provisional attachment, preservative attachment or attachment is dispatched, or the Borrower receives any notice of preservative attachment due to its tax delinquency.


2.   In case any of the following events with respect to the Borrower shall have occurred, the Lender may, at its option, by notice to the Borrower, declare that all obligations of the Borrower to the Lender hereunder shall immediately become due and payable and in such event the Borrower shall pay to the Lender all obligations hereunder forthwith subject to the provision of Article 6:


(1)   the Borrower fails to make any payment pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement or defaults in the due performance or observance of any provision under this Agreement;


(2)   any representation, warranty provided for in this Agreement proves to be untrue or incorrect in any material respect, or at any time any representation, warranty or statement made or deemed to be made by the Borrower in connection with this Agreement proves to be untrue or incorrect in any material respect;


(3)   Borrower shall cease or threaten to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of its business, or Borrower transfers or disposes all or a material part of its assets (except for the purposes of ordinary transactions) (provided, that in the case that Borrower participates in a merger and as a result of such merger Borrower continues to exist as a surviving entity, the provision of this Article 4.2.(3) shall not be applied);


(4)   Borrower is under an order concerning a close of business offices pursuant to Article 484 of the Commercial Code;


(5)   With respect to Borrower, (i) it shall cease all or a substantial part of its business in Japan or (ii) its business license within Japan is revoked, or it is under any order by relevant agency that it shall cease all or a substantial part of its business set forth in Article 10.1 of the Banking Law as a result of its unlawful action;


(6)   the order of the security interest acquired in accordance with the Article 3 is not the first priority, or such security interest shall have become void or cancelled;


(7)   the Borrower transfers the Security to the other, grants any security interest on it or otherwise disposes it, or takes any action to deduct the value of the Security; or


(8)   the Borrower takes any action to harm the Lender or to betray the Lender's trust considerably, or the Lender reasonably decides that the reputation with respect to the Borrower becomes considerably worse.


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